Annual Appeal and Development Consulting Success

Annual Appeal and Development Consulting Success
Catholic Charities Appeal

The Catholic Charities Appeal (CCA) is the largest and most crucial annual fundraising initiative of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The Appeal serves hundreds of thousands of individuals each year through over 180 entities that cover six key areas, including education, social services, evangelization, parish & spiritual life, clergy, and local mission activities. Because of the CCA, Catholic education is available to special needs students, hot meals, clothing and job training is available to homeless men and women trying to get back on their feet, and a safe haven is given to children living in violent neighborhoods through Out-of-School-Time programs. These are just a few examples of the many blessings that the CCA brings to our community.
CFGP began working with CCA in 2013. Since then, the Appeal has evolved into a $12.5M annual appeal. To date, we’ve handled the Appeal’s fundraising and development strategy, marketing strategy, special events and gift processing. From bringing beneficiary stories to life to ensuring all gifts are stewarded appropriately, we are humbled to be a part of this Appeal and have helped it to reach new heights, raising more than $70M for the Appeal since 2013.